Could be my Acne Fungal

Are you struggling with persistent acne, and no matter what you do, it just doesn’t seem to go away? Maybe you have even received a prescription from your general physician and have been waiting for the “magic” to kick in… with little to no luck. 

The thing about acne is although it seems like a simple diagnosis, there are many different types of acne that are in need of different acne treatments. And guess what? A lot of them look similar! 

For fungal acne specifically, most people tend to think to themselves: “Ew. A green, infected, fast spreading fungus living on my face?”… which just isn’t the case. In fact, a lot of fungal acne patients miss out on appropriate acne treatment based on its similarity and misdiagnosis with acne vulgaris. 

To get a better understanding of the differences between fungal acne and acne vulgaris, this blog will go over the following: 

  • What is fungal acne?
  • The similarities and differences between fungal acne & acne vulgaris 
  • How to treat fungal acne


What is fungal acne? 

If it’s not a green, infected, fast-spreading painful “nail-like” fungus, then what is it? 

Acne Fungal

Fungal acne is a type of acne that is caused by an overproduction of yeast within the skin’s microbiome, also known as the skin flora or the skin’s “immune system”.  Like any yeast infection, it will grow based on its environment. Therefore, once the overproduction of yeast is present on your skin, it doesn’t take much to keep it growing and alive. 

Things like: 

  • The oil on your skin 
  • A humid environment 
  • Certain face cleansers, moisturizers, and toners
  • What you consume
  • Medical steroids


Can all contribute to the ability for fungal acne to grow, and stay on your face.  

Unlike acne vulgaris, which typically results from your hair follicles being clogged, fungal acne is when the overproduction of yeast is fed, and that fungus grows within the hair follicle. 

To reiterate one common issue with fungal acne is its similarity to other forms of acne, and if treated as acne vulgaris for instance, it will never clear up, which is why it is so important to find a skin care physician that is willing to go over your acne and medical history. By doing so, you will be able to know (once and for all) what type of acne you have. 


The similarities and differences between fungal acne & acne vulgaris

Vulgaris Fungal

The similarities: 

  • Both commonly appear on the face, chest, and back 
  • Both can present themselves in the form of white-heads
  • Both may present themselves as monomorphic papules and pustules (inflamed, pus-filled lesions)


The differences: 

  • Fungal acne may persist for years if untreated (or treated as acne vulgaris)
  • Fungal acne is typically more itchy than acne vulgaris
  • Fungal acne is caused by an infection of the hair follicle, rather than a simple clogging of the hair follicle 

Fungal Acne

Fungal acne treatment in Vancouver

If you have been struggling with persistent acne and would like to clear up your skin and reclaim your confidence, we invite you to book an appointment HERE with award winning skin care physician Dr. Shehla Ebrahim, who comes highly recommended from her acne patients. She offers acne treatment in Vancouver, BC and worldwide, to ensure that all patients, no matter their location, can access the care they need.  

Dr. Shehla Ebrahim’s patient centered approach will guide on the right path to acne fungal relief, as she will prescribe suitable 

  • antifungal creams
  • oral medication
  • medical sprays 


To start your journey to clearer and healthier skin!