Botox Cosmetics for Rosacea?


  Botox cosmetics used to treat rosacea? You read the title right! Botox cosmetics, an injectable you may know for its anti-aging purposes, can also be used to treat cases of rosacea.  How does it work? Keep reading to find out more!  What is Botox Cosmetics?  Botox injections (​​Botulinum toxin), is a medical toxin that […]

Top Rosacea Treatments in Vancouver, BC


  When it comes to rosacea treatment, it is not one size fits all! Depending on your unique case and the severity of your rosacea (Vascular, Papulopustular, Ocular, or Rhinophyma), your skin care physician’s recommended treatment will vary. Top Treatment for Vascular Rosacea One of the most common traits of rosacea is flushing or redness […]

Common Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea

Common Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea

Understanding Rosacea with Dr. Shehla Ebrahim  Dr. Shehla Ebrahim, a skin care physician running a teledermatology clinic known as Dr. E Dermatology, was recently interviewed on to go over all things rosacea!  In this blog series, you will gain a deeper understanding of: Common Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea  Top Skincare Tips for Rosacea Control […]