PRP, hair loss, PRP injections, hair loss treatment, Dr. Shehla Ebrhaim
The best-kept secret for hair loss patients!

So you’ve fumbled across this blog while looking for hair loss treatments and wonder if PRP is right for you? You’re in the right place! 

What is PRP?

So, what is PRP?

PRP injections, or platelet-rich plasma injections, are when your growth factor is used to promote cell regrowth in the body. To do so, your blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate the platelet-rich plasma, AKA your body’s natural cell fertilizer. Once extracted, it is injected into the treated area to promote healing. For hair loss treatment, it is injected into the scalp for restoration. 

Signs PRP Injections Are Right For You 

If you are interested in PRP for hair loss, here are the signs that it is the appropriate treatment for you:

  1. Your hair just started thinning. Regarding PRP for hair restoration, your hair follicle must still be healthy. Typically speaking, if you have been experiencing hair loss for over five years, it will be hard to reverse, leading me to my next point… 
  2. Your hair follicle is still active. If you wait too long and your follicle becomes inactive, PRP will not successfully restore your hairline.
  3. You are in good health! Like any procedure, being in overall good health will speed up the healing process and lead to optimal results. 

Signs PRP is not for you:

  1. If you are currently receiving chemotherapy, you may still be a candidate for PRP, but you have to wait until your chemotherapy treatment is complete. This is because the PRP and chemotherapy will be working against each other, which would be a waste of your time and money!
  2. If you suffer from a blood disorder (including blood clotting) or take blood thinners that affect the number of platelets in your blood, you may not be suitable for this treatment. For this treatment to work, your blood must be healthy and have sufficient platelets.
  3. If you are a smoker and don’t plan on quitting post-treatment. Since smoking directly impacts the health of your hair follicles, unless you plan to quit, PRP will be an uphill battle!

What to expect from your PRP treatment 

  1. Mild pain during the injection process
  2. Mild discomfort on the scalp following your treatment
  3. Hair regrowth following 2-3 treatments six weeks apart, with optimal results showing up anywhere from 6-12 months post-treatment.
  4. Please note: PRP should be combined with other treatments, such as RX Topicals and other topical nutrients like NTCF boosters, for optimal results. 

Where can you get PRP for hair loss?

If you are seeking PRP treatment or would like to confirm your candidacy for the treatment, we invite you to book a consultation with skin care physician Dr. Shehla Ebrahim. Known for treating hair loss in greater Vancouver, Dr. Shehla Ebrahim will access your unique hair loss journey and develop a treatment plan to optimize your hair regrowth and confidence.

Whether you are a candidate for PRP or can benefit from other forms of treatment, such as oral or topical medication, Dr. Shehla Ebrahim can’t wait to steer you on your path to luscious locks and hair health! 

Click HERE to book!