Pennies for the poor

Pennies for the Poor was founded by Dr. Shehla Ebrahim, a private skin care physician in Vancouver that specializes in acne, hair loss, and psoriasis through in-person and online consultations. Her motive to start a movement bigger than herself, was inspired by her own story and how she broke through cultural practices and brutal norms that imposed restrictions on how she should live her life. As a result, her main priority and life mission is to help other women fulfill their dreams and create their own destinies no matter their cultural, geographical, or economical background.

Pennies for the Poor is funded by the operations of Dr. E Dermatology, as 10% of all medical skin care consultations are directed to help those living in restrictive circumstances, reach their potential. 

The consultation fee is 150$ CAD for a 30 min consultation securely taken via PayPal/Square.

Dr. E is passionate about helping women in third world countries through microfinancing loans and educating women and children through the Aga Khan Foundation.


Creating a Brighter Future

Creating a Brighter Future

With your support, Dr. E Dermatology is happy to announce that we have recently contributed $2000 to the Aga Khan University Medical College Programmatic Funding Initiative at the Spark of Hope Foundation.

Your Contribution to the Pakistan Relief Fund

Your Contribution to the Pakistan Relief Fund

Dr. E Dermatology is proud to announce that with your support, we were able to contribute to the Pakistan Relief Fund following the various floods that occurred throughout the summer of 2022.

How Cooking Gas helped 3 Families in Ukunda, Mombasa

How Cooking Gas helped 3 Families in Ukunda, Mombasa

Throughout the peak of Covid-19, like many, three families in Ukunda, Mombasa lost their jobs in the hospitality industry leaving them with nowhere to turn to support their families.

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