
Dermoscopy & Mole Mapping
in Vancouver BC

Mole mapping or Dermoscopy refers to a surveillance program for patients who are at a greater risk of developing malignant melanoma. The procedure includes a clinical examination and Dermoscopy to detect, examine, and evaluate lesions that seem unusual. 

Dr. Shehla Ebrahim mostly recommends mole mapping or mole removal in Vancouver to diagnose melanoma at an early stage. The procedure helps the doctor identify new moles and any abnormal changes in the existing ones. If the moles or lesions form a disordered structure, a Dermoscopy can help detect it.

What To Expect From Mole Mapping?

The procedure starts with a session in which the doctor will discuss the following things:

  • Family medical history
  • Patient’s medical history 
  • Skin type 
  • Sun exposure
  • Way of living


Then after, the patient will be provided information regarding sun protection, moles, mole mapping, and its pros and cons.

Dr. Ebrahim will then examine the patient’s skin to indicate the position and location of skin lesions, particularly moles and freckles. Photographs or digital images shall be taken to determine the shape and colour of the lesions. 

Mole Mapping Procedure Is suggested in the following circumstances:

  • The patient has more than 50-100 moles on the entire body
  • The moles are larger in shape and unusual colour
  • The unusual moles are at the back and the patient fails to keep an eye on it
  • The patient has a previous history of melanoma
  • Skin disorders or melanoma runs in the family
  • Moles that got severely burned due to excess heat exposure or sun damage
  • A recent change in the shape and colour of the mole that seems unusual


Before you think of undergoing a mole mapping procedure, we encourage you to first seek professional advice from Dr. Ebrahim who is an expert physician with hands-on experience in dermatology and skin treatment. 

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