Psoriasis, Psoriasis causes, Psoriasis treatment
Dealing with the daily discomfort of Psoriasis is more than just a skin-deep challenge—it’s a constant concern that affects both your physical comfort and confidence.

Dr. Shehla Ebrahim, a dedicated skin care physician, recognizes the impact psoriasis can have on your life. Let’s navigate the effective psoriasis treatment and explore what some common psoriasis causes.


Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a long-term, autoimmune, inflammatory skin condition affecting the entire body, including the elbows, torso, knees, nails, and joints. It causes red, dry, itchy, raised patches with silvery or white scaly flakes that flake like dandruff. 

Psoriasis is a skin condition that may lead to other autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and other problems. Psoriasis can be controlled and prevented by seeking treatment from a qualified dermatologist for the condition’s underlying cause.


Common types and symptoms of Psoriasis

  1. Plaque Psoriasis: Thick, scaly patches.
  2. Guttate Psoriasis: Small drop-like lesions.
  3. Pustular Psoriasis: White blisters surrounded by redness.
  4. Inverse Psoriasis: Smooth red patches in skin folds.
  5. Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Widespread inflammation.


Knowing Psoriasis causes

While the precise psoriasis causes remain unknown, understanding contributing factors sheds light on its development.

  1. Overactive Immune System:
  1. Genetic Influence:
  1. Environmental Triggers:


Psoriasis Treatment with Dr. Shehla Ebrahim

  1. Topical Medications:
  1. Calcineurin Inhibitors:
  1. UV Phototherapy:
  1. Oral and Parenteral Medications:
  1. Skin Moisturizers:

Dr. Shehla Ebrahim’s approach integrates these diverse treatments, ensuring a personalized plan for each patient. Regular monitoring and adjustments guarantee optimal outcomes.


Find long-lasting relief with Dr. Shehla Ebrahim – your trusted skin care physician

It’s crucial to consult a specialist who can provide personalized care for effective psoriasis treatment and to find relief from its symptoms. 

Dr. Shehla Ebrahim is a trusted skin care physician with years of experience treating various dermatological conditions, including Psoriasis.

Whether it’s exploring different treatment options or implementing preventive measures to minimize flare-ups, Dr. Ebrahim will guide you every step of the way on your journey toward improved skin health.

Book your appointment today!