Dealing with the daily discomfort of Psoriasis is more than just a skin-deep challenge—it’s a constant concern that affects both your physical comfort and confidence.
Dr. Shehla Ebrahim, a dedicated skin care physician, recognizes the impact psoriasis can have on your life. Let’s navigate the effective psoriasis treatment and explore what some common psoriasis causes.
Understanding Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a long-term, autoimmune, inflammatory skin condition affecting the entire body, including the elbows, torso, knees, nails, and joints. It causes red, dry, itchy, raised patches with silvery or white scaly flakes that flake like dandruff.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that may lead to other autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and other problems. Psoriasis can be controlled and prevented by seeking treatment from a qualified dermatologist for the condition’s underlying cause.
Common types and symptoms of Psoriasis
- Plaque Psoriasis: Thick, scaly patches.
- Guttate Psoriasis: Small drop-like lesions.
- Pustular Psoriasis: White blisters surrounded by redness.
- Inverse Psoriasis: Smooth red patches in skin folds.
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Widespread inflammation.
Knowing Psoriasis causes
While the precise psoriasis causes remain unknown, understanding contributing factors sheds light on its development.
- Overactive Immune System:
- Key Contributor: An overactive immune system is a leading cause of Psoriasis.
- Mechanism: Individuals with Psoriasis experience a misguided immune response, wherein healthy skin cells are mistakenly attacked. This leads to an accelerated cell turnover and thick, visible patches on the skin’s surface.
- Genetic Influence:
- Significant Role: Genetics contribute significantly to psoriasis development.
- Research Insight: Studies have identified specific genes associated with an elevated risk of developing Psoriasis. A familial history of Psoriasis increases an individual’s susceptibility to the condition.
- Environmental Triggers:
- Exacerbating Factors: Various environmental triggers can worsen symptoms or incite flare-ups in predisposed individuals.
- Examples of Triggers:
- Stress: Psychological stress can impact psoriasis severity.
- Infections: Conditions like strep throat may act as triggers.
- Skin Injuries: Cuts, sunburns, or other skin injuries can exacerbate Psoriasis.
- Certain Medications: Beta-blockers, lithium, and specific medications may contribute to psoriasis development.
Psoriasis Treatment with Dr. Shehla Ebrahim
- Topical Medications:
- Corticosteroids: Effective for mild to moderate Psoriasis, available in shampoo, cream, and lotion forms. Short-term use is recommended under medical supervision to avoid skin thinning.
- Calcipotriol: A vitamin D derivative combined with corticosteroids to slow skin cell turnover. Monitoring by a doctor is crucial to prevent skin thinning.
- Anthralin and Dithranol: Tar-based creams applied briefly, reducing new skin cell formation. Caution: may cause skin irritation and darkening.
- Tar-based Ointments are effective in inhibiting rapid skin cell formation but may have a strong odor and cause skin irritation.
- Calcineurin Inhibitors:
- Topical Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus: A new class of medications reducing inflammation and psoriasis plaques. Caution is advised for long-term use to mitigate the risk of skin cancer or lymphoma, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
- UV Phototherapy:
- UVB Light Therapy: Utilizes narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) artificial sunlight 2-3 times per week for at least three months. Safe and effective in alleviating symptoms.
- PUVA Therapy: Combines irradiation with psoralen for moderate to severe Psoriasis. Administered 2-3 times weekly for at least three months to slow skin cell formation.
- Excimer Light Irradiation: High-efficiency short-wave UV irradiation that filters out harmful rays, balancing the immune system without harming the skin.
- Oral and Parenteral Medications:
- Methotrexate, Acitretin, Retinoids, Cyclosporine: Oral medications for moderate to severe Psoriasis, administered under medical supervision due to potential side effects.
- Biologic Agents: New immune-suppressing drugs improving symptoms within 2-3 weeks. A dermatologist should carefully determine usage to manage potential side effects.
- Skin Moisturizers:
- Fragrance-Free Moisturizers: Gentle, non-irritating ointments aiding in relieving itching and burning while keeping the skin moisturized.
Dr. Shehla Ebrahim’s approach integrates these diverse treatments, ensuring a personalized plan for each patient. Regular monitoring and adjustments guarantee optimal outcomes.
Find long-lasting relief with Dr. Shehla Ebrahim – your trusted skin care physician
It’s crucial to consult a specialist who can provide personalized care for effective psoriasis treatment and to find relief from its symptoms.
Dr. Shehla Ebrahim is a trusted skin care physician with years of experience treating various dermatological conditions, including Psoriasis.
Whether it’s exploring different treatment options or implementing preventive measures to minimize flare-ups, Dr. Ebrahim will guide you every step of the way on your journey toward improved skin health.