If you are battling the red, itchy patches that come with eczema and psoriasis, it’s time to find relief. 

Read on to learn the root causes of this troublesome skin condition and how to treat psoriasis and eczema with our skin care physician, Dr. Shehla Ebrahim.  

Understanding Psoriasis and Eczema  

What is Psoriasis?  

Psoriasis is an autoimmune illness characterized by fast skin cell proliferation, culminating in thick, red areas with silvery scales. It can affect any body region and is commonly associated with joint discomfort (psoriatic arthritis). The reason is unknown, but genetics and the immune system are suspected to be involved. Stress, infections, or certain drugs can cause psoriasis flare-ups. 

What is Eczema?  

Eczema, also termed atopic dermatitis, is a common skin disorder marked by red, itchy rashes that can arise anywhere. It commonly begins in childhood and can last throughout maturity. Eczema flare-ups are caused by hereditary and environmental factors, with allergies, stress, and irritants all contributing significantly. 


Symptoms of Eczema and Psoriasis  

Eczema and psoriasis are chronic skin conditions that can bring about discomfort and frustration for those affected. The exact causes of these conditions still need to be fully understood. Still, they are believed to be linked to a combination of genetics, a weaker immune system, and environmental triggers such as dry air, temperature fluctuations, and contact with irritants such as soaps and detergents.   

Eczema, a hypersensitivity condition, causes skin inflammation, pain, itching, dryness, swelling, cracking, weeping, and scaling. Scratching eczema lesions can cause them to burst, leak, and crust over. Skin infections can develop when bacteria penetrate skin lesions.  

Psoriasis is red or white scaly spots that frequently itch and bleed on the skin. The patches may sometimes appear scaly or silvery in hue. Nails might get yellow, ridged, and detach from the nail bed.  


Managing Eczema and Psoriasis effectively 

Tips  Eczema  Psoriasis 
1. Avoiding Irritants and Allergens  Go for skincare products that are free of fragrances and harsh chemicals.  

Use detergents and soaps that are hypoallergenic.  

Conduct allergen testing to identify and avoid specific triggers. 

Select gentle skincare items, avoiding harsh irritants.  

Be conscious of any allergies and manage them to help prevent flare-ups. 

2. Adapting to Environmental Factors  Regularly apply moisturizer to combat skin dryness.  

Utilize a humidifier during dry seasons to maintain skin moisture.  

Wear clothes made from materials that allow your skin to breathe. 

Frequent moisturization helps keep hydration intact.  

Wear appropriate clothing to protect your skin against extreme weather, especially the cold. 

3. Stress Management  Relaxation and stress-reduction techniques help control flare-ups.  

Work on identifying and eliminating stressors from your environment. 

Participate in activities that help manage stress effectively.  

Aim for a balanced approach to work and leisure to minimize stress. 

4. Infection Control  Follow strict hygiene practices to minimize the risk of infection.  

Treat any skin infections immediately to prevent the worsening of symptoms.  

Be cautious in environments that are crowded or have poor sanitation. 

Take steps to avoid infections.  

Promptly address any infections with appropriate treatment.  

Keep up a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system’s efficacy. 

5. Minimizing Scratching and Skin Trauma  Keep your nails short to avoid damaging the skin.  

Apply cool compresses to itchy areas to soothe the skin. 

Regularly moisturize to help reduce itching and flakiness.  

Avoid itching, which can cause skin trauma.  

Protect your skin from direct sunlight. 


Taking Control of Your Skin Health with Dr. Ebrahim – Get your Appointment now!  

Understanding the causes and symptoms is essential, exploring traditional treatments versus natural remedies, prioritizing a healthy diet and lifestyle, identifying and avoiding triggers, and, most importantly, consulting with our skin care physician, Dr. Shehla Ebrahim 

Dr. Ebrahim’s personalized approach and expert guidance offer the pathway to effectively understanding and managing eczema and psoriasis.  

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ebrahim today!