In an age when everyone wants crystal clear, glass-like skin, uneven skin tone and hypopigmentation may pull your confidence down. The dull, light patches on your skin may not be noticeable to everyone, but if it bothers you, you can reach out to Dr Shehla Ebrahim, your skin care physician, for hypopigmentation treatment.
What is hypopigmentation?
Hypopigmentation is developing patches of skin that have a lighter color than the surrounding skin due to low melanin pigmentation in skin cells. Melanin is a pigmentation substance that colors eyes, skin, and hair. When it is low, the pigmentation is pale or lighter.
Why skin develops hypopigmentation?
Any factor that reduces melanin production in the skin causes hypopigmentation. Here are some possible causes.
- Hereditary
- Injury, accident, or trauma
- Skin infection
- Damage of melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells
- Cancer
- Nutritional deficiencies such as Kwashiorkor
- Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
- Vascular conditions such as bier’s spot
Types of hypopigmentation
There are some genetic conditions that can develop hypopigmentation over a wider area. For example-
- Albinism– Albinism is a genetic disorder in which babies are born with low melanin, usually, patches increase with growth. The person may develop pale eyes and hair.
- Vitiligo– Vitiligo is also called “white skin” disorder. The skin turns white because the body’s own immune system destroys your melanocytes- responsible for melanin production.
- Pityriasis alba– Pityriasis alba is a condition of developing light and scaly patches on the skin. The positive aspect of it is- when the scales go, hypopigmentation fades.
The key role of diagnosis in outlining hypopigmentation treatment
Being a skin care physician, Dr. Shehla Ebrahim emphasizes the importance of diagnosis in hypopigmentation treatment.
In the very first consultation, she will analyze your skin. And if further dermatological tests are needed, she will inform you about them.
Hypopigmentation treatment- By Dr Shehla Ebrahim
Hypopigmentation caused by different sources needs different treatments; for example- vitiligo (white patches)can be treated with topical creams and phototherapy.
Albinism also requires diligent skin screening as they are more prone to developing skin cancer, so they need a different diagnosis and treatment approach.
Being a veteran skin care physician in Vancouver, Dr Shehla Ebrahim has the utmost and deep understanding of treating skin conditions- in her own way, providing patients with the latest skin treatment.
Dr Shehla Ebrahim’s hypopigmentation treatment focuses more on prevention to reduce the possibility of spreading to other skin issues.
Dr Shehla Ebrahim puts her best foot forward in approaching skin issues and provides suitable treatment for patients.