4 Effective Ways to cope with Hair Loss Caused by Stress

Hair loss treatment, hair loss causes, hair loss

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it affects our bodies in several ways.  One of the lesser-known impacts of stress is hair loss. How can stress cause hair loss? Hair loss caused due to stress is known as telogen effluvium. This condition takes place when there is a disruption in the normal growth […]

Fight Hair Loss The Right Way with PRP

PRP hair loss treatment

To some, having a bad hair day can make or break it, which can be hard if hair loss is thrown in the mix! Fortunately, medical science and cosmetology have invented effective methods that aid in restoring and maintaining a healthy mane. PRP hair loss treatment can help if you wish to tackle the thinning […]

Acne & Hair Fall – Do they coexist?

Acne & Hair Fall - Do they coexist

  Are you experiencing painful bumps on your scalp or noticing more hair fall than usual? You may be struggling with scalp acne, which affects both men and women. Can this pesky problem lead to permanent hair loss? While it can cause discomfort and temporary hair loss in affected areas, it is unlikely to lead […]

Is Your Dandruff Causing Hairfall?

Is Your Dandruff Causing Hairfall

Dandruff often cause dry, flaky skin and itchiness in the scalp, tempting you to scratch them, which may likely cause scalp sensitivity and hair fall. So, if you are thinking about how to get rid of dandruff, then read what skin care physician  Dr. Shehla Ebrahim has to say about effective dandruff treatment.   What is dandruff? Dandruff […]

Can a pill really fix your hairline?

I want you to take a minute and think of what you have stored in your medicine cabinet. Some cold and flu meds to make it through the winter months? Your daily prescription to regulate your thyroid?  Or maybe some tablets from your physiotherapist that helped with inflammation from your sprained ankle a few years […]

4 Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Men & Women Today

4 Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Men & Women Today

Hair loss or Alopecia is a  condition that has a tremendous impact on an individual’s self-esteem. Many individuals suffer in silence. They feel older, judged, unattractive, and depressed. Hair loss can be emotionally devastating for men and women alike. If you notice the parting of your hair widening or bald spots developing on your scalp, […]